I 2022 kom mit debutalbummet “I Got Hipped”, en hyldest til New Orleans og de musikalske rødder, der har formet min musik og mig. Nu er det tid til at skrive det næste kapitel i denne melodiske rejse. I løbet af 2024/25 vil jeg indspille og udgive ikke ét, men to albums, der vil fokusere på flere aspekter af min musikalske identitet.
Fra funky New Orleans grooves til Bayou Blues. Fra Vooudou vibes til bløde balader. Fra dansable brass band 2nd lines til rockin’ rytmer.
Begge albums vil byde på en væld af originalnumre, krydret med personlige fortolkninger af nogle af mine yndlingssange, genfødt i nye, friske og moderne versioner. Det er min ambition, at de to albums skal bygge en musikalsk bro mellem New Orleans og København, ved at samle en mangfoldig skare af musikere fra begge sider af atlanten, som gennem årene har inspireret mig og hjulpet mig med at forme min musikalske vision.
Men for at gøre denne drøm til virkelighed, har jeg brug for jeres hjælp. Fra studieindspilninger og musikerhonorarer til mix, mastering og albumdesign – jeres støtte vil gøre det muligt at bringe disse projekter til live.
Musical Roots and New Directions:
Help Realize Two Albums by Chris Copen
My debut album, “I Got Hipped,” was released in 2022. It is a tribute to New Orleans and the musical roots that have shaped my music and me. It’s time to write the next chapter in this melodic journey. Throughout 2024/25, I will be recording and releasing not one but two albums, each focusing on different aspects of my musical identity. Prepare for a musical journey that spans funky New Orleans grooves to Bayou Blues, Voodoo vibes to soft ballads, and danceable brass band second lines to rocking rhythms. It’s a unique blend that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Both albums will feature many original tracks, spiced up with personal interpretations of some of my favorite songs. These songs, reborn in fresh and modern versions, reflect my musical journey and the influences that have shaped me. I aim for these two albums to build a musical bridge between New Orleans and Copenhagen by bringing together a diverse group of musicians from both sides of the Atlantic who have inspired me and helped shape my musical vision over the years. But to make this dream a reality, I need your help.
From studio recordings and musician fees to mixing, mastering, and album design – your support will make it possible to bring these projects to life.